
Final Project - Complete

Image The way I applied my own ideas are through improvising. I had a hard time on what the ship would really look like since the ship doesn't "exist", I could only use the reference that is based on an incomplete information which is this. As it suggested it is based on an incomplete information. I only had the top and side view of the ship, and it was hard to imagine what would the front and the back of the ship would look like, so I just imagined how it would really look like although it is really rough in the front. for the 40 marks, this model doesn't really have anything special on it so i would just say mark the overall look of the ship out of /40. Since i don't know anything else what you could mark this ship for.

Final Project Journal

May 25, 2018 First day working on the hull, not yet finished. Same goes for the bridge of the carrier. May 31, 2018 I finished the HULL of the ship. June 4, 2018 Worked more on the Hull and starting on the guns. June 6, 2018 Worked on the Guns/Cannons of the carrier. June 8, 2018  Worked on the bridge and added more cannons.

Final Project Proposal

I will be trying to model an aircraft carrier using blender.  I will be handing in the completed model I have done and some rendered images of it. First step will be Modelling the Hull of the carrier. Work on Cannons mounted. Work on the Bridge of the Aircraft Carrier. Polishing, adding small details. Working of the hull with take at least 2 or 3 classes. Bridge is already completed. Working on Guns/Cannon Mounted will at least take 2 classes. Last 2 or 3 classes will be on polishing and adding small details. Not Planning on using any sort of resources.

GameMaker - Asteroids - Part B I had difficulties exporting the Wav. files due to the pc im using. I asked david for copies of the sound files.

GameMaker - Catch the clown I did not encounter any difficulties except i had trouble finding the "Add Event", i asked David for the solution

Blender Game Level Modelling - level 1

Blender File:

Blender - Character Modelling - PArt1

Blender file:

Indie Game: The Movie

1. Big games are made by companies and independent games are most likely made by two, three, or one person. 2. 3. I might like that if i was working on an independent game i don't have to spend that much money since i will be most likely be working on my own or just with a partner. And you can do whatever you want on the game you are currently making, expressing what you have in mind. What i might not like is the stress and anxiety that will build up. For example, after realising a trailer of the game, and the community likes it. then say after a month after the trailer was released those who are impatient will start telling you to hurry up and work on the game faster and release it already. 4. Try not to stress their self too much, and work on their own pace. 5. The sales and the joy they bring when people play their game.

Blender - Mushroom Animation

